Welcome to django-nadb's documentation! ======================================= django-nadb (Not Another Django Blog) is a Django blog app. The source repository can be found at https://github.com/earonne/django-nadb/ Installation ============ Installing django-nadb is as simple as checking out the source and adding it to your project or ``PYTHONPATH``. Use git, pip or easy_install to check out django-nadb from Github_ or get a release from PyPI_. 1. Download and install the package from the python package index (PyPI_):: easy_install django-nadb or if you prefer pip:: pip install django-nadb 2. Install the latest development version from GitHub_. This requires to install git_ of course:: git clone git://github.com/earonne/django-nadb.git then install it manually:: cd django-nadb python setup.py install Please note that the dev version is not fully tested and may contain bugs. .. _PyPI: http://pypi.python.org/ .. _GitHub: http://www.github.com/ .. _git: http://git-scm.com/ Usage ============= 1. To install django-nadb just add the package to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting:: # settings.py INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'nadb', 'django_markup', ) # Notice you also need to add django_markup to your INSTALLED_APPS. 2. Run the syncdb command:: $ ./manage.py syncdb 3. Add a line like this in your root URLConf to set up the default URLs for django-nadb:: # urls.py urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^blog/', include('nadb.urls')), ) 4. django-nadb supports markup filters (e.g. Markdown, RestructuredText, etc.). Add the following to your ``settings.py``:: # settings.py NADB_MARKUP_FILTER = 'markdown' MARKUP_SETTINGS = { 'markdown': { 'safe_mode': True, 'extensions': ['codehilite'] } } 5. Create a ``nadb`` directory inside your templates directory and add the following templates:: base_nadb.html post_list.html post_detail.html post_archive_year.html post_archive_month.html post_archive_day.html category_list.html category_detail.html